Monday, April 03, 2006

ugh. mondays.

I never used to have a problem with Mondays. I mean, you go to work, and do the same stuff that you would normally do on any other Tuesday or Thursday. You get paid the same amount as if it were a Thursday, and you should be fairly refreshed from your weekend of not working to put some enthusiasm into it.

Having said that, the past few weeks have been Monday Hell. I feel like I annoyed the God of Mondays somewhere and he has now brought down wrath and fire.

Today was no different. There's an enthusiastic new mantra at work, to identify the top 20 problems for our clients and fix them. It sounds okay, right? Except now we don't release any new code until the bugs are fixed. (Actually, this is sounding less bad and more advantageous from a development point of view, except when the development projects manager breathes down your neck because she can't release stuff to clients as promised). The actual problem for me is that my issues make up one fifth of that list. :p So, I have to drop everything that I'm doing and fix the bugs. The bugs aren't really bugs, they're just design that's been obsoleted. I didn't even write the design, I'm just the codekeeper now, but I've inherited it. So I redesign, and it's not a two line fix. There are a lot of broken unit tests waiting for me tomorrow morning. I'm hoping I'll get it all done in the morning and not have to stay until 7:30pm again. I even got into work before 9am, and this is how I was repaid...

With daylight savings over, the office got dark at 6pm and that was just another grumpy thing to add to this 'ugh' of a day.

If the deity of Mondays is out there: Please. Tell me what I did, and I'll work out how I can fix it.


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