Friday, October 26, 2007

goHome = !onHourlyRate :(

It's a friday afternoon and I am dying. My brain doesn't work, I'm fed up working with this offshore "architecture", our site code is a piece of crap and the weather is miserable. The only thing that is redeeming this day is that it's friday and there's an hour and 14 minutes left of the day.
Since all the big guns are out in the U.S. forming deals with other companies, there's hardly anyone in the office and my team lead just up and left. He's on a daily rate.
Me, I'm a sucker who switched to an hourly rate. I'm not going home for another hour and 13 minutes. :(

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a music mix day

hey kids.

I've been really grumpy today. My facebook profile even says I'm 100% grumpy (although I am probably down to less than 50% since leaving work behind and eating vietnamese food for dinner).

Today was a real mix of things, music playlists included. I think I managed to listen to an album from each of the following today:

- PJ Harvey
- Radiohead
- Justin Timberlake
- Snow Patrol
- Bloc Party
- Damien Rice
- Death Cab for Cutie
- Fuel
- Garbage
- George
- Panic at the Disco

8 hours sitting in front of a computer all day sure does leave you lots of time to be listening to tunes.

On the work front, I ended up accepting an extension to my contract to the very inconvenient end date of November 30, right before Christmas. yay. So I'm kind of on the lookout for new work but now less enthused about it than I would have been two weeks ago when the whole topic of it all came up. Bleh. I'm leaving on the same day as another contractor, and we're both counting down the days now. I'm contemplating installing a countdown meter in my task bar just to hammer the point in. I definitely feel myself being less than enthused about random tasks I'm given, which is contributing to the grumpiness. It's not good for the soul...

On the housing front though, I have a new place sorted!!! I'm going to be moving in with Paul and Tam at the beginning of next month in a swanky apartment up north. It has a dishwasher, people. A dishwasher! The apartment is right next to a gym with a rock climbing wall! Now I have no excuse for not exercising and getting rid of that extra weight that the lacklustre British summer didn't quite take off for me :p The only other downside is that I'm moving to Zone 2. Which, for the non-Londoners out there, equals crapsticks. Zone 2 is one zone too far from where it's at (i.e. central London zone 1).

Anyway, I'm hoping I'll get more time to blog from this point on. I really regret not being able to reflect on a lot of things recently - I've just been way too flat out juggling everything that needs juggling just to stay afloat. I look forward to having my own space and my own internet and my beautiful shiny dishwasher. :) And all of the inevitable trips to ikea and other homeware stores to furnish the new digs! We're calling it "The Cheese" in honour of the two varieties our nearest tube station is named after: Swiss Cottage.