Sunday, April 09, 2006

take me with you!

Two days ago, one of my friends was accepted for a 12 month exchange program in Japan.

Yesterday, another friend of mine announced she is planning to move to London in two months.

Today, I discovered a new method of cockroach control that actually sounds like it will work.

It's been an eventful weekend.

I'm actually really happy for both of my friends, because one has been looking forward to his Japan exchange for ages, and the other is just keen to travel, and what better way to do it than when you are young and have nothing to tie you down :)
On the other hand, all my friends are moving to London. What's with that?

The travelling bug bit me after my europe trip last year, and considering my work situation (everybody stressed, people leaving right and left, me not feeling very enthusiastic about it), it seemed like a good idea to think about moving. I felt really apathetic about everything in Sydney and was looking for something to rekindle my interest.

Then as soon as I started thinking about moving, the nostalgic part of my traitorous brain went into overdrive. I started thinking about everything that I'd miss in Sydney, particularly my family and the dog, the beautiful harbour, the sunny days, long drives and the beaches down the coast, my friends and network of people I've known all my life and who wouldn't be there to fall back on.

Then there was Japan :) That trip was truly wonderful, and I think it quelled a lot of the anxiety I felt about life in general. It put a lot of things into balance - namely in the general scheme of things I have a pretty good deal. My family is healthy, I live out of home and can do what I please, and I have money to travel. I should be happy with the chickens I have. I think I subconsciously resolved not to throw my life into uproar for the sake of an impetuous whim.

THEN (this is the last 'then', I promise) this weekend hit me out of nowhere. Two more of my friends are leaving and they'll be doing all manner of exciting things that I certainly won't be doing while in Sydney :( After being confronted with it, that SEVEN of my friends are moving or have moved overseas, I just think, what am I doing? I should go while I have the opportunity (and while everyone else is in London too), being young, single and without any assets to deal with.

Two years ago, I never, ever, ever thought that I'd even consider moving overseas; a year ago, I wasn't even thinking about London as a destination, and now, there's just an overwhelming desire to experience new things. It really makes me wonder what I'll be doing in a year's time.

When I was little, I used to think that everything remained fairly stable. People had a general path (go to school, go to uni, get a job, buy a house, start a family) with curious little side adventures like travel, or a photography hobby, or learning to tap dance, and that was what made life interesting and unpredictable. I know better now :)


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