hello everyone!
Don't panic! I'm alive and well. At the moment I'm staying in Gabby's flat in Islington, which is a great suburb full of trendy bars/cafes/shops. I like it so much that I want to move here, if I can find a suitable place.The job hunting has been going okay. Companies do most of their hiring through recruiters, who are very slimy individuals - about on par with real estate agents, but even more greedy and transparent. I had a whole spiel written here about how much I dislike them, then I realised it made me sound like a whinging pom so I deleted it. :)
The English love their gardens, so I've made it a point to try and see as many as possible. I visited Kew Gardens with Gabby last weekend where they had an Autumn festival (basically, lots of pumpkins and apples and cranberries on display) and it was a really relaxing and soothing afternoon. It was the first clear day I've had in a long while, so it was great to do something outdoors. The trees are turning, the air is crisp, but the days are getting shorter :( I also visited Regent's Park, ostensibly for a jog, but I managed about a total of 500 metres before giving up. I'm so unfit. :p
I've come to the conclusion that people who whinge about food in London don't really cook for themselves - the food hasn't been THAT bad. I'm actually quite impressed with the range of cheese at the local supermarkets - there's about 20 different varieties of cheddar, all from different regions in the UK. Meat is kind of expensive and doesn't look all that great, but you can get lots of different varieties of raw foods that I've never seen in Sydney except in specialist health shops. Fruit and vegetable quality seems okay. I'll just stick to what looks like it's in season. So, don't worry mum - I'm eating properly.
I visited IKEA earlier this week, but I wanted to dedicate a whole entry to the visit, so it'll have to wait until later.
I've tried so many times to write a blog entry, but every time I find something interesting to write about, I'm nowhere near a computer. Then when I do finally get access to the internet (we're "borrowing" wireless at Gabby's place but it's not very reliable) I'm too mentally exhausted to write anything down. Dealing with calls from recruiters who want you to apply for PHP consultancy jobs when you're looking for .NET contracts would probably wear anyone down.
It's getting cold in London - the sun came out this week and the temperature dropped by 3 or 4 degrees. Oh, the irony.
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