one hundred things
It's been a while since I've written one of these. If any of the people who wrote one of these on the board ages ago reads this, write a new one and we'll swap! :)Here are one hundred true things about me.
I'm listening to french pop/rock artist Sinclair as I write this list, introduced to me by Gabs' french flatmate.
In the last four months of 2006, I only worked for four weeks.
Mushrooms are my favourite vegetable.
I once had a huntsman land on my head in primary school, and didn't notice until about five minutes later when everyone else saw it and freaked out and formed a giant circle around me. I cautiously reached up to my hair, felt something kind of scratchy, screamed, and flicked it off with such vehemence that I think I broke some of its legs when it landed on the floor. A classmate scooped it up, put it in our empty fishtank and called it Victor. We eventually had thirty three Victors in the course of that year. I think the event has scarred me for life.
I prefer toast to fresh bread, unless the bread is less than 6 hours old.
I feel like I grew closer to my family after I moved out of home.
Being anywhere mountainous has the ability to take my breath away.
I don't think I've ever seen Mary Poppins in its entirety.
I like drinking hot water just by itself. No, it's not that weird, ask any Asian about it, ok?
I can't stomach violence, horror, or anything even vaguely disturbing in movies anymore. I'm not quite sure what that means about my mental state compared to ten years ago when I could watch anything, but it's strictly dramas, some action, and the good old romantic comedy now.
I love sesame seeds on anything.
I really miss sunshine.
I love sticky date pudding in butterscotch sauce.
I really hate cigarettes and don't understand how people can smoke them.
The first guy I ever had a crush on was named Lachlan.
I'm allergic to coffee :(
I used to stay up till 3am on weekends in high school before I even felt tired.
I really like playing board games.
I think I find it easy to meet and make acquaintances, but very hard to make close friends.
Life always seems different between the hours of 11pm and 5am.
twenty one
My oldest friend, who is one of my best friends, is someone I've known for 14 years.
twenty two
I used to wear reading glasses.
twenty three
I buy postcards like crazy when I travel. It's kind of cool, because I've started putting them on my wall in a giant work of art to remind me of where I've travelled.
twenty four
I feel like I'm getting more average in intelligence with every passing year.
twenty five
I would like to take more of an interest in clothes/hair/make up/etcetera but I'm not sure how bothered I can be.
twenty six
I'm a really messy person. My bedroom at home is atrocious.
twenty seven
I can't stand kitchen mess, though.
twenty eight
Living room clutter is OK, as long as it isn't food related.
twenty nine
I would like to own an SLR so I can take lots of pretty photos.
It annoys me when people talk about things they don't know.
thirty one
I used to feel very alienated from most 'normal' people throughout school, but I feel like I'm trading intelligence for social skills now. I'm hoping the exchange will halt soon.
thirty two
I spend way too much time on the computer.
thirty three
Hazelnut is my favourite flavour of anything, as long as real hazelnuts are used.
thirty four
If I got a tattoo, it would be on my lower back.
thirty five
I have never cooked rice without a rice cooker.
thirty six
I own Moby Dick but I've never finished reading it.
thirty seven
If I don't get enough sleep, I eat a lot.
thirty eight
I have eighty two pounds in my bank account right now.
thirty nine
I really, really, really hate recruitment companies.
I failed my Ps first time round.
forty one
I passed them the second time round going to a different RTA branch.
forty two
I want to do more exercise.
forty three
I sleep very deeply.
forty four
I have eaten lots of eggs since arriving in London.
forty five
My flat has creaky floors.
forty six
I don't think I could ever travel extensively again without having a home to go back to.
forty seven
I don't like eating rice much any more.
forty eight
I really don't like limescale. It's everywhere in London.
forty nine
contracting > permanent work (despite many of the associated hassles)
I have almost 50,000 frequent flyer points for Singapore Airlines.
fifty one
My dog's name is Jasmine.
fifty two
I've eaten at Tetsuya's, ranked number five in the fifty best restaurants in the world.
fifty three
I wish I was a tidier person.
fifty four
I think I used to get along better with guys than girls, but this seems to be swapping over.
fifty five
I prefer the company of taken males to single males, because I'm afraid of saying something to a single male that may be taken out of friend context.
fifty six
The most expensive pair of shoes I've ever bought was $200 Australian dollars, which isn't really that expensive. The next expensive pair was about $140.
fifty seven
I liked uni better than primary school which was better than high school. Getting out of formal education was ten times better than all of that combined.
fifty eight
I think I have fairly good organisational skills... as long as it is something I want to organise and I get over the procrastination element to do it.
fifty nine
I'm a 'jack of all trades' person rather than a specialist at anything.
I am really, really looking forward to eating yum cha back in Sydney.
sixty one
And a peach. You can't find peaches in the UK. (Nectarines yes, plums yes, apricots yes, but no peaches!)
sixty two
I think I am generally very happy.
sixty three
I miss the smell of mangoes.
sixty four
I wish I was more decisive.
sixty five
I am ready to stop being single.
sixty six
I just need to find a nice English lad to fill the void ;)
sixty seven
I would like to be able to play the guitar, but I'm so lazy I never forced myself to learn it properly.
sixty eight
On the scale of toasting, I prefer a darker and crispier toast to a wimpy light dusting.
sixty nine
I like sitting at the window and watching the rain fall. Ironically, you can't do that much in London because when it rains, it just drizzles.
The best holiday I've ever had in my life was snow trip Japan 06!
seventy one
I like being childish sometimes, like running through fountains or jumping on jumping castles.
seventy two
I wish I had wavy hair.
seventy three
I once got hit in the head with a baseball bat in primary school. There was no blood, but there was a giant lump, and it really, really hurt. The teacher didn't take me to the sick bay or anything because it was five minutes until the end of the day.
seventy four
Sometimes I wonder if that baseball bat changed the person who I am today.
seventy five
I love long car trips... especially if I'm not driving!
seventy six
I sing along to the radio.
seventy seven
I have stopped baking desserts.
seventy eight
I don't actually have the utensils to bake desserts :p
seventy nine
I live with a French girl, a Russian girl, and a German-Persian girl.
I'd like to have two or three kids one day (at least one boy and one girl).
eighty one
I can't drink most soft drinks any more. The type of sugar in them makes me feel ill.
eighty two
One of my feet is bigger than the other. I can never remember which one.
eighty three
I just finished mopping the floor in my flat, because it was really gross.
eighty four
I wish I read more books.
eighty five
I really like the smell of mulled wine.
eighty six
I have eleven pairs of shoes. This doesn't count the ones in Australia.
eighty seven
If I'm honest with myself, The X-Files is responsible for my current career path.
eighty eight
How sad.
eighty nine
I try to be punctual, but sometimes time just runs away from me. I'm trying very hard to fix the punctuality thing.
I have a packet of mint slice sitting on my bedside table. Unopened.
ninety one
I have never felt the need to manage my spending until I arrived in London. (It's not because London is that expensive on my income, but I don't have any reserves of pounds to draw on. Unfortunately, this is likely to last until May.)
ninety two
I own a pair of red snow mittens.
ninety three
The last movie I saw was Stranger than Fiction.
ninety four
I envy people who can do as they please and not worry about what everyone thinks.
ninety five
I used to crave hot chips with a passion throughout high school. Anytime I smelled them I had to stop myself from buying them. I wasn't always successful.
ninety six
But my willpower was much stronger back then.
ninety six
These days, I don't crave anything as intensely as I used to.
ninety seven
My ideal night in involves cooking a meal, eating a whole lot of food and watching a teen/chick flick movie. Or playing board games.
ninety eight
I am going to be a nigel over the next few weeks as everyone flies back to Australia for Australia Day!
ninety nine
My toenails are painted a metallic burgandy red.
one hundred
My Australian credit card got suspended two weeks ago because I forgot to pay the bill. Oops.
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