Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I really do use English. I swear.

My computer just decided to switch into pinyin, i.e. asian character input mode. I have no idea how it did, since I'm pretty sure I didn't install the asian language packs and I didn't (knowingly) turn it on.

There's no way to turn Pinyin mode off from the preferences on the language bar (poor oversight!), and it turns all your English characters into Chinese at some point, so I spent an interesting ten minutes trying to work out how to turn it off without being able to type into the language bar help/google search.

I resorted to typing things into Notepad and copying them to my browser/the help file to find the answer. Just when I was on the brink of a breakthrough, it automagically fixed itself and all was right with my world, so I disbanded the search.

Two minutes later I'm again typing stuff into notepad to try and fix it. I just want a tickbox that says "yes, I really do use English. Please don't make me type in Chinese."


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