too funny
hee hee!I just did a BrainBench certification test in ASP.NET because a recruiter asked me to do it. The recruiters have asked me to do the BrainBench tests before; it gives them an indication of whether candidates actually know the technologies they're trying to get a job in (and thus how much they can market you to get as much money out of you as possible!)
You can actually use online resources, so google comes in very handy while you take the test.
Now, I spent 3 years doing all winforms, all C#, all the time. I've had about 3 months working in ASP.NET... yet I scored higher in the ASP.NET test than I did in c# last year. In fact, I apparently scored better than 98% of other candidates and have NO weak areas in this technology at all. I had to google at least three quarters of the questions and guestimated half the answers.
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