Thursday, March 08, 2007

north shore soccer mom

I got some great practice at being a North Shore Soccer Mom today. I started with some light morning exercise, went shopping, then got a french manicure and pedicure which was a fun new experience, hehe. If only I had some other north shore soccer moms to meet for a brunch or lunch after a yoga or pilates class and just before picking the kids up from school, i'd be all set.

I can't wait till I'm a millionaire and then I'll buy one those super massage chairs and foot spa all-in-one things. Or maybe I'll just add a pedicurist to my house staff.


At 3:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess you're moving to Chelsea when you get back? I have an image of a small Daphne sitting behind the wheel of an enormous 4WD, doing your make up in the mirror and running everyone else off the road.

Say it aint so...

At 2:26 am, Blogger d said...

What, I've never mentioned my life's mission of being a society wife with a gas-guzzling, suburban-only 4WD to call my own? :)


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