Friday, May 18, 2007

negotiating London

I never realised how hard it is to get around London until I couldn't walk properly. My usual 30-second commute to the tube took about five minutes on Tuesday, and I missed a tube and two buses getting to work because I was just too impaired to negotiate stairs or long distances comfortably. I can't imagine what it would be like being permanently disabled or in a wheelchair. You couldn't do anything without a car, really... so, youth and mobility - don't take it for granted, kids! very soon you'll be old and crusty and mumbling about young people not appreciating their youth.

Anyway, my ankle is healing fairly well. I can get around at about 3/4 of my normal speed, but I'll probably need the bandages and support for another week or so. No more frisbee for the forseeable future... I can see myself spraining it again during a game and everything going horribly wrong.

A lot of random six-degrees-of-separation stuff has happened to me lately. When slightly tipsy on Wednesday night and devouring a late-night chicken burger, I found out that one of my colleagues and I share an ex-workmate who moved over to London a couple of years ago. I used to work with him back in Sydney at my very first full time job, and my colleague worked with him in London. Ha! Also, I was travelling on the tube tonight with another colleague when we found out that we both went to the same primary school in Sutherland for a couple of years, but not at the same time... though we do know the same people. AND, I also found out that a friend-of-a-friend (whom I've never met) has friends who work in a company back in Sydney that I knew a few people from. So, the world is feeling very small right now.

Otherwise, I'm feeling very unhealthy right now. I've eaten at home only once this week, and that was Monday when I couldn't go anywhere because of my ankle anyway :p So terrible. (Feeling guilty is probably not going to stop me from going for vietnamese food tomorrow night, though... mmmm...)

Hope you are all staying safe and enjoy your weekends :)


At 1:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thx for the update Daph :) Good to hear you're limping along to good health.

I think some of that rain in London made a stop-over in Sydney. The rain has been heavy within NSW in the last 24 hours! (Farmers are makin' out with their stock in glee!)

At 7:59 am, Blogger d said...

don't confuse NSW with New Zealand, dude... ;)

At 10:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

touché! :D

At 9:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pretty much a useless person. I haven't checked this in, like, two weeks, and so totally missed out on the drama. Boo to McDonalds-leaving villains! Boo to ankle-spraining! Yay to Daphne being generally awesome and stuff. :)

This is generally an inadequate comment but just wanted to let you know I am, like, here and wishing you well. Here's to hoping you're done with the bleh-drama for this month and it's all good stuff from here. *hugs*

At 6:43 pm, Blogger d said...

awww, thanks alisaurus! mwah xx :) I'm feeling upbeat about my trip to Norway with your bro next weekend. And I still have to reply to your latest email... oh, the guilt...

At 12:28 pm, Blogger K said...

hey daph.
Sorry to hear about your's no good to be cripple! But i'm glad that it's not holding you back from your travels.
Thanks for the sweet email too...haven't ignored it, your response is on hold atm! Sorry.

At 12:07 am, Blogger d said...

thanks K.. no worries on the reply :)


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