visitor season
hey kids. I know it's been a while since I've written anything, but I've grown out of the habit and once that happens, it gets increasingly harder to get back into it. There's been lots to contemplate recently, and it's hard to put it down in words generally... I have, however, been enjoying the recent sunshine in London. I bought a shiny black frisbee a few weeks ago and it's been put through its paces. My poker set has also been put through its paces recently with pleasing results, heheh :)Anyway, news on the home front is that after a whole year of being over here, I'm finally getting VISITORS. I'm getting more than one group of them actually - there are people from my old work visiting at different times, and then the parentals will be popping by to see exactly how decadent my life is in London Town. I'm quite excited to be meeting up with people! I figured a lot of my freeloading friends might invite themselves over this summer, but no go so far. (btw, kidding on the freeloading. love you guys :)
So anyway with the Parentals announcing their arrival, I'm busy planning a european itinerary with twenty five days' notice in high summer. It's a challenge but I figure I can worm my trip to Brugge in there somehow, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again.
Soon it will be my one year anniversary since leaving home. September's going to fly by...
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