I'm going to vent. I had an intensely gruelling, frustrating day at work today, and the net effect of my day was about three lines of code. I spent the whole day trying to integrate some changes that I'd done into another branch of our product. What should have been a one hour job became eight, because of the utterly ridiculous base architecture we use - which is sealed to us despite being developed by another branch of our company. wtf?! One table in the old system used to have key and value columns, plus a few random others. In the new system this had been split into three tables (the original table, one to hold the keys, one to hold the values), with the actual string values of the key and value fields now stored in another table specifically designed for holding strings, for internationalisation. That's a five table relationship where there used to be one. Even worse, all the logic for creating and referencing the IDs in this five-table-relationship is done by table functions and stored procs BY CONVENTION, and they were all buggy! I say 'were', because I spent three hours wading through them to find out why my code wasn't working... argh! I have had enough of this week, and dodgy code that I'm powerless to fix. Bring on the crappily paid but emotionally fulfilling jobs.
(okay. It's now ten minutes and some greasy chips later, and I'm feeling much better. So, on with the rest of things.)
To de-stress I am mooching at home and giggling at random threadless shirts, even if i've seen them before. The only problem with their tees is they use the same size print on a small girly shirt as an extra large guys' shirt, so the best looking shirts are always the medium/large guys ones, but oh well. I still covet. In fact, all this browsing is prompting me to wear the only threadless t-shirt I own tomorrow. (I used to have others, but bequeathed them to new homes or left them in Sydney).
Anyway, Cally, Kim and I are going up to Cambridge this weekend to visit Anika, who is a baby PhD in training! :) She has business cards! With her name, and the Cambridge logo on them! How awesome is that?! There will be much punting, cycling, eating of english breakfasts, visiting of country pubs, and a pompous college dinner in store for us. I'm very keen on seeing more of England outside of London, especially now that the weather is getting better. This weekend is going to be an ideal way to wash the work right outta my hair. :)
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