Monday, February 12, 2007

nothing to poker stick at!

(haha, I make pun in title!)

I hosted my first poker night on Saturday. You would probably know that I'm not a huge drinker, which is a terrible thing to be in London, because that's all that people do here. But to counteract the non-drinking thing, I've been trying to organise activities that don't involve just "going to a bar" or "going to a pub" as the main focus of the evening. Hence: poker.

Poker is good because it's wholesome fun for all the family, you don't smell like smoke at the end of the evening, and it still lets people drink. You just drink while playing poker! Ingenious.

There were seven people squished around my living room table, and once everyone was seated there was no room to squeeze through to the kitchen or the hallway without climbing over furniture or some such thing. Not quite the poker-table-in-the-middle-of-a-dramatically-lighted-boxing-ring scenario, but we make do with what we have.

We had a 35 pound winnings pot, which I came close to winning, but tragically didn't. Kudos to Phil (I'll get you next time. ;) It was lots of fun, reminded me of the heydeys back in Alexandria when there were ten people around the table and the games frequently ran into the tiny hours of the morning. Ah, memories :)

Can't wait till the next poker night!


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