part time nerd
You know what I don't get? People who read programming books in their spare time. I happened to come across this blog post and got a little bit scared that the guy is reading three nerdy books at the same time. Three! I'm not sure which one of us is the odd one - me, who likes programming but leaves the geekiness at work, or he, the fully immersed nerd.I am not a full time nerd. I don't read blogs (which is probably bad), I didn't know what WPF was until I read it in a job description and was forced to google it (tip: if you had to click on the link to learn what it was, then you're not a full time nerd either), and when people make jokes about nerds in the software community, I don't laugh because I don't know who they are.
Yeah, ok, I have Visual Studio installed on my laptop. But I only did it out of necessity of needing something to program with while researching stuff for interviews. I don't actually use it to build anything useful... Except maybe Cameron's buggy competition generator that eventually got me swearing at whole new levels when it wouldn't run like it was supposed to.
The irony is I'm still classified as a nerd by people. Nerdy people call me a nerd! it happened just yesterday. I don't think it's fair that I, the part time nerd, can be painted with the same brush as the guy reading three nerdy books in his spare time (n.b. if you the reader are actually the nerdy guy who is reading this through referral links, then please don't be offended because I'm not doubting your ability at all, you just happened to become my example. I totally respect all the work that you and your kind do. Go Microsoft.)
I think I'm just feeling a bout of nerd insecurity, like I ought to be doing more to earn my nerd title (and possibly also land a job. That could be useful.) I know as soon as I get a job though, I'm going to fall back to my non-nerdy ways of watching downloaded TV episodes with a mug of tea and some impulse-buy M&S chocolate muffins.
God I can't believe I've posted three things today. Clearly, I'm having a busy busy day. But hey, if you're a nerd and you are reading this, if you have any good blogs out there that I might be interested in reading, post them would ya? :)
let me put it to you this way...
you confessed to having a development tool installed on your computer, and you know what it is. Furthermore, *I* know that you know how to use it - and you use it particularly well enough.
You're a low-rank nerd, but a nerd nonetheless.
Let me put it to your readers in a way that only nerds will understand.
The universe is your AppDomain. Within the appdomain there are 6 million instantiations of the class Human. This super-class is analogous to the class "Nerd" (ie: nerd is a super class)
Now just like there are many humans (class African : Human, class Indian : Human, class Woman : Human), there are also many types of nerds, all subclasses of base class nerd (class ProgrammingNerd : Nerd, class ScienceNerd : Nerd, class MathsNerd : Nerd)
in your case, you're a subclass of part-time nerd (class Daphy : PartTimeNerd). However, as we all know, a PartTimeNerd is just a subclass of Nerd (class PartTimeNerd : Nerd).
Therefore when people describe you as a Nerd, they're doing so for polymorphic reasons - dont be offended :P i used a nerd topic, to write a nerd analogy about being a nerd.
i guess i'm just normal :D
the science nerd in me wants to point out that there are six billion, not million, instantiations of human around.
so... how 'bout that local sporting team, eh?
p.s. making jokes in code is way up there on the nerd scale... you big nerd :)
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